Free Hex Editor Neo

Free Hex Files Viewing and Editing Software
- The unique hex data viewing and modifying solution
- High performance and code optimized tool that helps developers to manipulate hexadecimal data quick and easy
- It's an invaluable utility for software developers since it helps them to edit the raw data, researching the functionality of any executable file
- Powerful binary files editor with outstanding performance and unbeatable zero price
Free Hex Editor Neo is award-winning large files optimized freeware editor for everyone who works with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data.
Free Hex Editor Neo allows you to view, modify, analyze your hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions.
Make patches with just two mouse clicks; manipulate your EXE, DLL, DAT, AVI, MP3, JPG files with unlimited undo/redo. Taste the visual operation history with branching.
This hex and binary code data editing software utility for Windows includes the following basic functionality: Unlimited Undo/Redo; Find; Replace; Visual History Save and Load; Patch Creation; Clipboard Operations; Bytes, Words, Double Words, Quad Words, Floats and Doubles Edit Mode.
Free Hex Editor Neo is highly optimized to quickly perform the requested actions. It also allows you to continue working with a document while another document is busy performing a lengthy operation.
HexEdit can be successfully used for:
- editing binary files of any size at highest speed
- searching and replacing your data in a binary file
- writing your microcode programs
- researching the functionality of any executable file
- streamlining your work using Undo/Redo and other features
HexEdit can be successfully used by:
- software developers
- private users
- beta-testers
- university students
- coders
HexEdit usage areas:
- ascii data
- Binary data
- Decimal data
- Patches
- EXE code
- DLL data
- DAT files
- AVI data
- MP3 data
- JPG data
HexEdit Features
The HexEdit offers the following functionality:
- allows you to open as many instances as you need
- opens different views for each file, arranged in tabs, allowing you to rename and scroll
- allows you to split the individual view into two panes, so you can view and edit the same instance in two places
- organizes file data in different ways: bytes, words, dwords, qwords, floats, doubles. You can tell the editor how many bytes in a row to display, whether to display the byte symbols and so on
- works in two editing modes: overwrite and insert. In insert mode you can physically delete selected data or insert new data at arbitrary position in the file. The speed of the operation does not depend on the filesize
- allows you to make simple (continuous) selection.
- offers a large set of editing commands, including delete, fill, find and replace
- allows you to place bookmarks in the edited document and convert bookmarks to selection or vise versa
- offers complete Undo and Redo lists. All editing actions you perform on the document can be undone and then optionally redone again
- allows you to copy or cut selected portion(s) of the document into the same or another Hex Editor window, Windows Explorer® window (as file fragment) or any application as text fragment
- allows you to paste the file from the Windows Explorer® into the file opened in the Hex Editor
- all images in the editor (including the command icons in menus and toolbars, dialogs and documentation) are stored in vector format and are rendered according to the current user's DPI settings.
Feature Limitations:
- Free version does not support multiple selection
- Commands Find All, Replace All, Select From Bookmarks, Select Invert and Select Block are not supported in Free Hex Editor Neo